Winter may be here, but that’s no reason to neglect your landscaping. You may not have as much to do in your yard during the next few months, but there are some things you should do to ensure that your yard looks good. When it comes to winter landscaping tips, below are some that will keep your property well maintained.

Winter Landscaping Tips

Many of your plants may have gone dormant this time of year, but taking care of them now will ensure that they come back healthy and strong in the spring. This will keep your yard looking beautiful and well maintained.


1. Get Rid of Debris

During the fall and winter, your yard can get covered in a lot of debris. Leaves may fall from trees and storms can blow in trash or knock down loose branches. There’s no reason to wait until spring to take care of this mess, now is a good time to pick up your yard.

Should you neglect to pick up the debris in your yard and it mixes with moisture, this increases that chances of mold and fungus growing on your property. This can have an impact on your grass and other plants, including killing them. If debris is allowed to sit on your lawn, this could impact your grass. To reduce the chances of having a spotty lawn, get rid of debris throughout the winter.

Making it a point to check your property and remove debris once a week will keep your area looking neat and tidy. It will also reduce the amount of work you need to do to keep your yard pristine.


2. Don’t Forget to Water

Just because your plants have gone dormant or the leaves have fallen from your trees, this doesn’t mean they can be neglected. Various plants, trees and shrubs still need water this time of year, so make sure you are keeping them hydrated. If you don’t, this could increase their susceptibility to disease or allow them to die.

As long as the temperature is higher than 40 degrees Fahrenheit, you should be watering your plants on a regular basis. If it dips below 40 degrees, you can refrain from watering until the temperature climbs back up.


3. Prune Your Trees

Once the leaves are gone from the trees in your yard, it will give you a good view of damaged branches. Taking the time to remove these items now will ensure that your tree comes back looking amazing in the spring. Pruning your trees will also make them healthier and stronger.


4. Cut and Fertilize Your Grass

Cutting your grass 1 to 2 inches shorter than normal before winter appears can help reduce the risks of cold temperatures having an impact. Adding fertilizer means that your grass will continue to get the nutrients it needs to come back healthy and lush once spring rolls around.


5. Protect Plants from the Cold

Some plants can handle temperature variations better than others, while some may die if the temperature dips too low. This is especially true for young trees or plants that you might have on your property. For tips on how to keep them protected, you might consider covering them through the winter.

Using a light-colored wrap around the bark or over the top of the plant will ensure that they can still benefit from the sun but will be protected from colder temperatures. It will provide insulation and warmth so that they come back in the spring.


6. Consider Planting Winter Plants

If you’re looking to add to your landscape design, then you might consider planting some winter trees. Evergreens and maple trees thrive when planted during the winter, and they can add a pop of color to your property.

In addition to these trees, when it comes to landscape design ideas, you might consider adding trees that have highly textured bark to your property. Dogwood, birch and crabapple trees add something unique and lovely to your garden design. A crabapple tree can add color because they retain their fruit even when it gets cold outside.

Not only are some trees good to plant this time of year, but you can also add some flowers to add color to your property. Depending on your latitude, you may be able to plant Christmas roses, winter jasmine, honey wort, winter honeysuckle or kaffir lilies. Any of these can add something extra to your property and make it feel alive during the long winter months.


7. Mulch

The winter is one of the best times to add some mulch to your property. Not only will it help your landscape look good and add something special to your plant life, but it will also help keep the roots warm when the temperature drops.


8. Consider Adding Lights

During the winter, the days are shorter. For some landscaping tips to ward off the dark, you might consider adding some lights to your landscape design. You have a lot of options to choose from, including hanging string lights from your patio or adding ground lanterns to your walkways.

With the holidays coming up, you can certainly add lights to the outside of your home to show off your festive spirit. However, adding solar-powered or softly colored lights to your property other times throughout the winter can add some pizzazz to your landscape.

Your Landscaping Deserves the Best

No matter what time of the year it is, your landscaping adds to the aesthetic appeal of your property. Even in winter, there are tips you can follow to ensure that your home looks good.