When we think of what it takes for a business to sustain success, most people think of a large financial backing, an efficient working environment, or other business processes. While these processes do contribute to success in some ways, the reality of the situation is that sometimes smaller factors make the biggest impact. 

A great example of this can be seen with commercial landscaping. Because commercial landscaping has virtually no connection to internal business processes, its benefits are some of the most overlooked. If only more businesses paid more attention to it, they would realize that it has a big enough impact to directly influence qualified clients. Here’s an example.

If a client has a choice between two businesses to go with, would the client be more likely to choose the business with a welcoming landscape or one without one? Sometimes decisions are that simple for clients. As for what qualities make up a good landscape, that will come down to various factors including garden design, landscape ideas, and other similar factors. 

Overall, the goal with landscaping is to make your business come off as presentable, professional, and welcoming as possible. If you can hit on these three qualities, your chances of attracting and converting relevant clients will increase significantly. With all of this in mind, here are ten commercial landscaping tips from design to maintenance.

1. Create A Landscaping Blueprint

Before doing anything in your landscaping process, you should create a landscaping blueprint. Doing so serves the purpose of allowing you to create the most efficient working environment. Landscaping blueprints can include factors such as schedules, design ideas, and checkups as well. The best part about it is that you can design one to fit around the needs and requirements of your landscaping duties.

2. Match The Landscaping Style With Surrounding Architecture

As far as landscaping design is concerned, there is no wrong way to design. Again, as long as it creates a welcoming and professional feel, that should be enough to benefit from it from a business perspective. One pro-tip that has benefits businesses is landscaping that matches the style of the surrounding architecture. For example, if a business has a straight and narrow building, molding the landscape to fit those qualities makes it more presentable. Just keep in mind to not go overboard with simplicity or extravagance. Landscaping should also create a balance between professionalism and beauty.

3. Create Clear Paths/Walkways

The most noticeable parts of landscaping for commercial buildings will be the walkways. They are important because they are used as guides to direct people towards specific parts of a building. For this reason, your walkways and paths designs should be clean and clear. Anything other than a clearly marked path makes your landscaping come off as unprofessional and off-putting.

4. Highlight Colors

Another pro-tip that can work for your landscaping is highlighting colors. Especially if your landscape has flowers and bright flora to work with, working them into your design will create the most inviting feel for your business. However, it’s worth repeating that nothing should be done overboard. Even flowers and bright colors can seem off-putting if it is used too much within a design. To get a better sense if you have used too much color highlighting within your design, put yourself in your client’s shoes and critique your design from afar.

5. The Obvious: Water Regularly

Perhaps no other landscaping maintenance process is as important as watering regularly. As one of, if not the most obvious maintenance step, it’s surprising to see how many landscapers either underwater or overwater their designs. Both mistakes can have devastating consequences on the overall health of your landscape. To avoid any watering mistakes, consider creating a watering schedule to increase your precision.

6. Don’t Use Cheap And Easy Landscaping Tools

Next to watering your landscape, another important maintenance tip to keep in mind is not using cheap and easy landscaping tools. These tools are specifically designed to get landscapers to spend more money. If you think you are creating the most cost-effective landscaping plan for your design, understand that these tools have a higher chance of damaging your designs more than they can help them. This doesn’t mean that you have to spend thousands of dollars on the latest and greatest equipment. All this means is that you should be responsible enough to save for high-quality tools that will benefit your designs the most.

7. Run Small Monthly Landscape Checkups

Once you have completed a design, checking up on it will ensure that your landscape stays healthy in the long run. The idea behind running monthly checkups is that it protects against unpredictable weather conditions. Also, it allows you to make any additions that you might have forgotten about during your initial landscape design process.

8. Run Large Seasonal Landscape Touch-Ups (Or Remodels)

Monthly landscape checkups should not be confused with seasonal touch-ups or remodels. The difference between the two is that seasonal touch-ups are larger maintenance events that serve the purpose of keeping up with the seasonal environments. These projects require more time and effort than monthly checkups.

9. Shoot For A Sustainable Design

Having mentioned how beneficial it can be to match the landscape design to the surrounding architecture, the overall rule with design should be to shoot for sustainability. In other words, it should be designed to protect itself during any natural conditions. This could mean designing your landscape with extra bulkiness, shorter edges, plants that require less maintenance, or anything else that will allow it to keep the same look over time.

10. Recycle What You Can

Last but not least, responsible landscapers should always recycle what they can. Apart from being environmentally healthy, recycled goods can be reused back into your landscape for patches, remodels, or any other maintenance benefits.