Spring is a great time to give your lawn some much needed attention to ensure a healthy and green appearance. The weather is warming, which means the soil temperature will continue to climb, allowing for germination of new seed, new growth of existing lawn and as well as growth of weeds. Below are tips to help bring your lawn into the warmer months with success, while also reducing the number of weeds that may pop up.  As an added benefit, did you know a healthy lawn uses less water?

Fertilization and Weed Control

Apply a pre-emergent with weed control as soon as possible. There are many pre-emergent products that also offer fertilizer which gives your lawn a boost as it reduces weed growth. Pre-emergent is a product that decreases the ability for new weed seeds to germinate and grow in your lawn. If you are looking for a more natural approach, hand removing weeds is another way to go. However, if you decide to overseed your lawn, you will not want to apply a pre-emergent because it will reduce the quantity of those seeds that are able to germinate.

If you are looking to apply only a fertilizer and not a pre-emergent, I recommend using a balanced fertilizer, something like 6-24-24. Make sure to read the label and use the correct amount of fertilizer for the square footage of your lawn.


Just like trees and pants, our lawns need to breathe. Protect the soil in your lawn from surrendering to compaction or thatch, by regular aeration. Thatch is a nutrient and oxygen blocking layer of debris, stems and roots that can accumulate between the soil and vegetation. Aerating creates holes in the lawn and punches into the soil, giving the roots access to water, oxygen and required nutrients. I recommend aerating before fertilizing or seeding in order to maximize the root’s contact with those vital minerals.


You may have some brown or bare patches that need filling in, or maybe the entire area could use some thickening. Seeding existing turf will help build a more robust lawn. The denser the turf, the better it can protect against weeds.


Depending on the weather, it is about time to start supplemental watering for your lawn areas. This year is very important to get your watering right. Make sure to review your system valve by valve and check that you do not have any leaks, and that everything is working correctly. Once you have confirmed the system is ready, program the controller to run for just a few minutes and slightly increase it as your lawn begins to show signs of drying out. If your lawn is too wet, reduce the water or turn it off, as that can really harm new growth.


Now is the time to increase the frequency of mowing your lawn, typically at weekly intervals. Ideally, the length should be kept at 1½ – 3 inches in height depending on the type of turf. If left too long, you’ll leave an opening for matting, mold and fungi to thrive. If trimmed too short, you may damage the roots and thus reducing the time it takes lawn to improve.