The holidays are over and the new year has begun. If you’re part of the 45% of Americans who make New Year resolutions, you probably already have a list of resolutions and goals you want to accomplish this year. Some of the most popular resolutions involve improving one’s body, but what about improving one’s landscape?

Make 2018 the year you accomplish all of your landscape goals. Looking for some landscape resolutions that will help you achieve this? Keep reading to discover 4 landscaping resolutions you should be making for 2018.

1.) Make Your Dream Landscape A Reality

Remember that perfect landscape you’ve been dreaming about? This winter season is a great time to start planning it all out paper. In addition to finally having the landscape of your dreams, you’ll also enjoy the added benefit of increased property value.

Not sure where to start? Reach out to your local landscaping company. Many landscaping companies not only perform landscape maintenance but also create and install beautiful landscape designs. Your landscape designer will work with you to create a custom landscape design that reflects your personality and complements your home best.

2.) Keep Your Lawn Healthy And Green

A gorgeous green lawn is every homeowner’s dream. However, remembering to water your lawn on time can be a tedious chore. If grass turning brown is  your usual reminder your lawn needs watering, consider adding a sprinkler system to your landscape. Many systems can be programed to only go off at a specific time. Once your sprinkler system is installed, you can permanently check watering the lawn off your chore list.

Keep in mind, there’s more to keeping your lawn healthy than just efficient watering. Lawns require new mulch, mowing, and weeding to stay healthy. If the thought of all that work is making your head spin, fear not! Many landscape companies offer residential landscape maintenance services. In addition to keeping your lawn healthy and green, your landscaping team will also keep the rest of your landscape in tip top shape.

3.) Upgrade Your Irrigation System

As mentioned earlier, maintaining a lush landscape requires consistent and effective watering. One of the easiest ways to ensure this happens is to install an irrigation system in your landscape. Save yourself time and money by having a professional install your irrigation system. Their expertise will ensure that your irrigation system is properly in place and won’t cause any costly problems later down the road.

If you already have an irrigation system, make sure it is up to code. It may be time to upgrade your system if you notice any of these signs

– Your new lawn feature isn’t draining properly.
– You just added a garden to your landscape.
– Your water bill is way too high.
– Patches of dead grass are appearing on your lawn.
– This year’s new plants require a different watering routine than last year’s plants.

With financial resources like rebates available, upgrading your irrigation system doesn’t have to be costly. Also, you’ll be able to see the savings add up as your water bill gets smaller and smaller.

4.) Spend More Time Enjoying Your Landscape

Life is very hectic these days. It’s so easy to get caught up in your daily work tasks or family matters. Before you know it, another year has come and gone. Make 2018 the year you make time for yourself and enjoy the full benefits of your landscape. Take the time to stop and smell the roses, literally.

Your landscape is gorgeous and you deserve some well-earned “me time” where you can just relax and soak in the beauty that surrounds you in your own backyard. Want to spend more time bonding with the kids? Have a family BBQ by the pool. Want to reconnect with old friends? Take advantage of your awesome outdoor kitchen to host an amazing dinner party. Love to garden or cook? Put your green thumb to use and plant herbs and garden vegetables within your arbors so that you can enjoy a constant supply of fresh cooking ingredients.

As you can see, when it comes to enjoying the full benefits of your landscape, the possibilities are endless. In fact, studies show that people are often happier after spending just 15 minutes in nature. So do yourself a favor and carve out some free time in your busy schedule to spend more time outside the house. Have fun listening to the birds sing while you admire the flowers and you sip your morning coffee.

Commit To Your Landscape Resolutions

Did you know that about 40% of resolutions fail after just one month? One of the most common causes for resolution failures is lack of a clear goal. Work with your landscaper to figure out the best way you can keep your 2018 landscape resolutions. Your landscape will thank you!