The rainy season has returned. While the sun may be shining now, more spring showers are just around the corner. While plentiful rainfall is great news for a drought-recovering California, homeowners need to be weary. Excessive rain can wreak havoc on landscapes, causing expensive damage that could take weeks to repair and restore.
You’ve spent a lot of time and energy investing in your landscape and by extension, your property value. Don’t let your hard work get washed away with the next round of spring storms. After years of professional experience designing and maintaining landscapes to withstand California’s climate, we’ve compiled a list of ways you can help your landscape withstand heavy rainfall. Keep reading to learn how you can protect your landscape from excessive rain.
Make Sure Your Storm water Runoff Is Under Control
Not only is city storm water runoff one of the leading causes of residential flooding; it is also a major contributor of water resource pollution. Fortunately, there are several ways you can divert drainage.
One of the most common ways to control storm water runoff is to use swales. A swale is a depression within the landscape that redirects water drainage. While a swale doesn’t stop rainfall, it does help lead water to a drainage area, protecting your landscape from flooding. You can make your swale even more effective by adding pebbles, rocks, and deep rooted plants to the swale’s lowest point. This will help control the excess water’s speed to the drainage area.
Does a swale sound like too big of a landscape addition right now? Don’t worry, not all changes have to be big. Even a small change, like diverting your rain spouts can help control the water flow. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a local landscaping team to see what they recommend. It will be well worth the effort. After all, in addition to protecting you landscape, controlling your storm water runoff will also significantly lower your utility bill.
Avoid Walking On Water-Soaked Soil
Not only will trudging through a swampy lawn ruin your shoes, it can also damage your landscape. When you walk on a water-soaked area, your weight compacts the soil. This limits the amount of air pockets that exist in the soil, making it hard for plants to get the oxygen they need to stay healthy. Furthermore, when the spring showers finally end, your soil will dry and become hard. This will make it difficult to complete your summer landscaping plans.
Be Proactive With Landscape Maintenance
While you can’t control the weather, there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of damage inflicted on your landscape during the next surprise storm. If you haven’t already, it’s important that you create a maintenance routine for your landscape. During this time, you can inspect your landscape and eliminate potential problems before they even happen.
For example, you can prevent falling tree limbs from damaging your property by making sure your trees are pruned and parasite-free. Clearing debris and fallen leaves will make it harder for vegetative diseases to spread. Continue to make the effort to maintain your landscape on a regular basis and the next time it rains you can rest easy knowing your landscape is ready for excessive water.
Inspect And Reduce Impermeable Surfaces
One of the main culprits of backyard flooding is impermeable surfaces. Homeowners can greatly reduce this issue by inspecting their landscape the next time it rains. If you notice water cascading off of impermeable surfaces, like roofs, driveways, or pavement, take note.
Then discuss replacement options with your landscaping team. It’s possible to add features such as rain gardens to your landscape to minimize the amount of water that stays trapped above ground.
Keep Your Irrigation System Updated
If your irrigation system is five years or older, it’s time to have it inspected by a trustworthy landscaping company. With technology constantly being updated, there’s a possibility that a more cost effective system was invented. In fact, there are a number of irrigation upgrades currently available including:
- Soil Monitoring Sensors
- Rain Shut-Off Devices
- Smart Controllers
These features make it easy for homeowners to monitor their landscape and detect problems the very instant they begin to occur. For example, rain shut-off devices can detect rain and temporarily shut off your irrigation system to prevent overwatering.
Smart controllers make it easy to decide how much and how often you should water your soil. In addition, smart controllers come with weather sensors that can measure a multitude of factors like humidity and precipitation to help you give your lawn the correct amount of water each week.
Contact Your Local Landscaping Team
If you’re tired of dealing with a flooded landscape each time it rains, now is the time to reach out to your local landscaping team. If you live in Santa Cruz or Monterey County, K&D Landscaping, Inc. is ready to help you with all of your landscaping needs. Whether you need professional landscape maintenance or an innovative landscape design, it’s never too early to take the proper measures to protect you landscape from excessive rain.